Mobile Phone:
Date of birth:
Wiechert Vermeulen
+31 (0) 639 600 130
Responsibilities at Bose:
•Internal (international) consultant MI market. (music industry)
• Account manager and PR representative Bose Live Music Systems in the Netherlands
• POS (Point of sale) development: Concept - Messaging - Technical infrastructure - Design
•International trainer. Developing training material for trainers B to B & B to C. And train the trainers.
•Fair producer/manager. In charge of the setup and booth development at Trade Fairs.
•Print/Ad’s: Concept - Creative - Messaging
•Internet site: Conceptual – Strategic - Creative
•Managing Demo Bands. Touring with the band thru out whole Europe.
•Team player but also very good doing jobs solo
•Flexible. No stress. Positive mindset
•Persisting mentality with a high energy, passionate and infectious “can do” attitude
•Consistently exceeds expectations, requirements and goals
•Exceptional influencing, partnering and team skills
•9 till 5? What’s that?
•Honest and direct (I have to admit, I can be a pain…)
•Multilingual, multicultural, well traveled
•Outstanding at instilling high sense of urgency
•Very good customer, sales force and channel partner advocate
•Excellent presentation and communication skills
•Extremely adept at motivating and clearly communicating ideas and plans
•Very serious about humor...
Me in short
Sales and Marketing professional with extensive experience in the pro audio market, including work in recording studios, MI and pro audio retail and live music systems. Effective manager skilled at developing collaborative working relationships with creative teams. Adept at conceptualizing and executing a wide array of marketing initiatives, ranging from infotainment live shows, electronic and direct mail campaigns, virtual shop in shop displays to print advertising and product information movies. Strong track record of identifying and capitalizing on the needs of the market, creating business opportunities and significant increases in revenue and customer satisfaction.
I believe professionalism goes further then just work. To me it means opening up and being honest about your strength and weaknesses. Then, colleagues are able to trust you. They will become partners, and sometimes friends. It creates the foundation for great teamwork and excellent results. Let me give you some impressions of the works I’ve done.